Monday, 6 June 2011

Taking life for granted..

As a youngster i went to an all girls private school, where i made a life long friend, I've known her since reception and haven't stop speaking to her since then.
About a year and a half ago she was kicked off a horse and suffered from a brain injury, ever since then her life changed, she could no longer go to school, as sitting around too many people would start to make her freak and she would have fits, she got fired from her job as she was having fits on the shop floor due to the lights, and she had a high passion for travelling the world but shes not aloud to fly anymore, so her dreams have kind of been ruined.
Well recently i was talking to her and she has been put with more bad news, and I'm just grateful for my health! I wouldn't be able to be in her position i would of given up by now, but I'm writing this blog on behalf of her and being so strong, shes got so much going wrong for her its hard to see whats right, so I'm really rooting for her and am really just wishing and praying for her to get better! There's no one i know that's so thoughtful and grateful for everything, its sad to see that's shes slowly disappearing between our fingers <3
Take care.

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