Friday, 24 June 2011

The Light of Heart by Emlyn Williams

Catrin - His Life - what about my life?... I loathe scenes...I've never indulged in self pity, Mrs Lothian, but I've got to do it now. I could have made a career in music, I let it go; I like new people and Robert's the first I've met for eight years; I loathe dirt and disorder, and for as long as i can remember I have rubbed shoulders with both: I have a great liking for grass and trees, and - and the only time I've ever been to the countryside was to see a friend married. I'm fond of - of children...For eight years, I've been a prisoner in this room, and I've served my sentence as faithfully as I knew how. Ive cheered him up when he was depressed, lied to him if it made him happier, pretended he couldn't of been sick the night before because the room was as clean as a new pin - and while that's been going on, times been going on too. Twenty-nine isn't old, but its quite a time to catch up: there's a chance to catch up now.Before god and my conscience, that I've searched into through whole anxious nights, i have a right to take that chance. and nothing in the world is going to stop me. That's all...How can you talk about a wreck? You see him as he was that first evening here, don't you? A year ago? in that year I've seen a miracle working on my father. He hasn't just been excited about the idea of success; hes been sitting at that table - striding about this room - with a light in his eye. And that light showed, beyond a doubt, that hes doing the supreme work he was born to do, and that only he can do. If you'd been here this morning and heard him talk about it, quite quietly... You told him he'd been dead and buried for eight years, do you remember? Well tonight hes going to live again. The typist can leave, because the business is on its feet at last.

^ This is my monologue that I've learnt in four days *I'm impressed with myself...i will hopefully record it and post it up her when done...its a pretty powerful play...i suggest a read people :)*

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