Wednesday, 22 June 2011

I'll always be the chaser..

I'm a bit of a keen bean, I've always been like that with everything! Work, School, College, Friends, Relationship's...not keen where people get to points of going 'Oh just fuck off!' well i hope not anyway...but something got said to me earlier that made me re-think who i am, I like to be eager, okay I'm constantly having the piss taken out me and it never bothers me and today would just of been another chip on the shoulder another comment to ignore, that everyone drags on and makes me feel more like a keen bean or shit what ever they prefer, people are getting to comfortable to the idea of treating me like shit and walking over me, I'm gonna snap soon...I've been brought up to if i really want to do something then go for it with both hand out my eyes open and don't let I'M SORRY for my eagerness to do well and succeed in something in want i want to do, and if that means i get called a brown nose etc, then fuck you. I'm a geek i can pretty much accept it, not to the high extent that i never do anything but work, i do have a life.

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