For those of you who read my blog and don't know...
About six/seven years ago my dad had an accident at work which left him with short term memory loss and very bad back pains, and along with this there's lots of side effects, my dads temper is short like shorter (when i say shorter i mean tiny) than the average person, his taste buds are completely different and hes unable to work or properly exercise, he can go swimming but i would say that's about it.
Well i want to write about it get everything out of my head...
It was early 2003 and My dad worked for a building company, and my sister was at secondary school, I was still at primary and my mum worked for a catering company i think, my dad was always away doing builds and i wouldn't see him that often, i still saw him most days but sometimes he'd been gone for a few weeks, well he got given a job that was in Eastbourne so i got too see him more than i usually do.
It was midday id say between 12/2 and i was in school, i got pulled out of my lesson and i remember my mum turning to me and saying dad's up hospital so Ive picked you up early (she'd been crying i could see it in her eyes) and were going to pick up Kerrianne and go to the hospital. We picked up my sister and rushed to the hospital, the traffic wasn't too busy only slightly as school hadn't finished yet.
We got out of the car and my mum rushed straight to the entrance she spoke to the women at the front and they pointed a direction, we walked towards a room, we walked in and my dad lay there with just his underwear on basically lifeless, he had cuts and bruises everywhere and there was dried blood over his body, he just lay there not a noise just the steadiness of his breathing, and doctor's rushing around and my mum trying to stay strong a few tears running down her cheek. I didn't fully understand what was going on, but the cuts were bad and there was a lot of blood so i guessed bad...i don't remember much after that just waiting around for ages with my sister, my mum was hardly with us and we got picked up by someone and took home.
It was midday id say between 12/2 and i was in school, i got pulled out of my lesson and i remember my mum turning to me and saying dad's up hospital so Ive picked you up early (she'd been crying i could see it in her eyes) and were going to pick up Kerrianne and go to the hospital. We picked up my sister and rushed to the hospital, the traffic wasn't too busy only slightly as school hadn't finished yet.
We got out of the car and my mum rushed straight to the entrance she spoke to the women at the front and they pointed a direction, we walked towards a room, we walked in and my dad lay there with just his underwear on basically lifeless, he had cuts and bruises everywhere and there was dried blood over his body, he just lay there not a noise just the steadiness of his breathing, and doctor's rushing around and my mum trying to stay strong a few tears running down her cheek. I didn't fully understand what was going on, but the cuts were bad and there was a lot of blood so i guessed bad...i don't remember much after that just waiting around for ages with my sister, my mum was hardly with us and we got picked up by someone and took home.
What happened "He used to manage cranes and direct them in where to go, so he was up high (15 feet) and something happened and he fell, he was only wearing a helmet, he smacked to the second floor and his head smacked after, the helmet came flying off and he smacked down to the next floor without his helmet and just lay there, there was someone there who i will not name for obvious reasons and he got in his van and went straight away he basically left my dad for death..thankfully someone came across my dad and got a ambulance as soon as they could"
From then on, my dad was gone never back to him old self, he used to be so active. anyway..
He was in the hospital for ages after that i remember pretty much going up most days/evenings after school and at school all the teachers were extra nice to me and if people asked what happened i just told them my dad got hurt.
The day my dad came home we were all happy, i mean he hadn't been home for ages and it was never the same without him at home. But a few days past and i started to dislike my dad, he would snap/shout at me for no reason i constantly be crying, i used to just pray, i want my dad back! the man i grew up with had gone and he would never be back.
The day my dad came home we were all happy, i mean he hadn't been home for ages and it was never the same without him at home. But a few days past and i started to dislike my dad, he would snap/shout at me for no reason i constantly be crying, i used to just pray, i want my dad back! the man i grew up with had gone and he would never be back.
My mum quite her job and became a full time career as my dad couldn't do the things we take for granted like putting our socks on or getting in and out of a bath, he would even find it hard to sleep. He was on soo many drugs, and was forgetting everything!
Anyway weeks..months had gone and i got approached by a company called career for careers, they helped me a lot they made me in a way look at my situation from the outside and count myself lucky that i still have a father figure as it was close to him dying and i should count myself lucky for that some of the people with career for careers have lost family members and are in much worse state.
This same year my mums dad died,my closest grandad and that hit my family hard especially after everything that happened and that year was by far the worst year i think I'm ever going to have!
The next year my dad's dad died and everything seemed to be going wrong, we thought things were getting better then we get hit back (okay people die all the time but it just seemed to be the worst time)
I got to secondary school, and had counselling session after counselling session, i started to get anger issues and started to fall behind with work, i was unable to get any of my feelings out about home, i would dislike my councilor she would try to force opinion's on me and i hated her so i told her nothing, in the end i got a new councilor and everything changed, my grades got better and i became happier and back to my normal self!
My dad was still bad, not as bad as he was, but i was growing up and becoming a teenager and growing an attitude and with my dads such short fuse i was constantly back to the state of crying every night, i can say i felt like i actually hated my dad, he was so nasty and i thought he hated me, there wasn't a conversation in my house that wasn't being shouted.
I started singing lessons and it seemed like it took all my feelings and i put my whole heart and soul into it.
We started to get watched by private investigators because they thought my dad was lying about his injury...:/ because we were taking them to court..we won!
My dads come on sooo much! and its hard to believe than in just about eight years hes nearly back to the man i knew as a child, and I've basically had more of him how he is now than ever i feel like I've grown up with two men in my life seeing as I'm only 16 nearly 17 my new now improved dad has been here longer and been there so much for me! i count myself lucky knowing that my dad could of died but was strong enough to stay around, without him i wouldn't of achieved the things i have and of course my mum and sister, with everything that's happened were one strong unit! people i don't think see how strong we are, when one of us is upset we all are and if one becomes loopy we all do and we just got an extension to our unit with Charlie and Lou my brother and his GF seem to be such a light on this family, they fit right in and they bring joy and smiles to us whenever there down!
I would of wrote a lot more that happened but i simply would be here all night...
- We were fighting the court case from the start and only won in 2009.
- We were fighting the court case from the start and only won in 2009.
- My dad joined a support group called Headway's which is for people with brain injury's.
- My mum went back to work and has been working for ages now!
- We got a new house. that's more friendly for my dad.
Thank you for reading, there will be more to come about my past, but until then take care <3
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