Hmm Tiff this needs to be moved around and this and this and your spelling needs to be sorted and what do you mean here, your sentences are too long, and you haven't got enough paragraphs...That's what I usually hear when I show my mum what I've written, ever since I was a young girl. Id write something with my mum over my shoulder helping me with my homework.
I've just recently done my Personal Statement for university's... don't even!! I know I've actually done it! My mum hasn't read anything of mine for a long long time because I just dot show her any more, well today she asked if she could read my personal statement...There was a long pause between the question and me going well, er, I've, ermm, maybe, yeah, I dunno, can, aha...Then said yes, go for it.
Open the document and let her sit at the computer, I then went and forgot she was reading it due to filling in forms. Just sitting there chilling, minding my own business...she walks round the corner, Tiff, that's a really good statement, a few spelling errors but that's fine you'll sort them out in your second draft, that was really good...She had this glow in her eye and the biggest smile ever.
For someone else that may mean nothing, but for me to get a compliment about my writing by my mum meant a lot, she's the one that knows the ins and outs of everything English...she knows that dictionary like the back of her hand.
She liked it.
That is all.
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