*Yawnnnnn* 1:30am I was so tired and was just off to bed, I'll refresh facebook quickly see if anyone loves me..I have a mail. I never get mails anymore :| Its from Lesley...(first things through my mind "Tiff I'm really sorry but you haven't passed, but were work extra harder next time and a lot more on the theory) But what I actually read was this..."
Hello!!! I usually like to do this via phone, but, seeing as I'm in America atm, I thought you'd like to know sooner rather than later...
I got your exam results...
You got 85% and DISTINCTION!!! Well done you :)
I'm so proud! That's equivalent to A grade at GCSE :D
I got your exam results...
You got 85% and DISTINCTION!!! Well done you :)
I couldn't believe it sat there in shock for a little while...I convinced myself I had failed!! I'm so unbelievably happy!!!!
My reply was mostly Omg!! aha!! I'm so happy!! cant believe it!! Yes i used a lot of exclamation marks...I also of course thanked her, I simply wouldn't be at this level if it wasn't for her!! :)
When I get my certificate Ill put a picture of all my certificates up :)
Love Love Love Sugahhlegs!!
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