Friday, 9 December 2011


Don't start reading below until you have started playing the music. If you read fast or slow it wont work read with the music.

Can you hear that? 
*music starts*Today I got woken up and told to go. go where. Its time. MY family need me. My country needs me. I'm about to enter this god forsaken thing. I'm here packing everything I own into a little box, that I wont even get to keep when I get further from home. Fighting wars for men who sit behind tables and desks. Running round in mud, shooting guns. Killing other men who are doing the same for there country and men behind desks. 
Why us? what have we done. Nothing I tell you, WE should make an up roar. Sick of us being treated this way. 
I want my family I love them muchly they are my life, keeping my pictures close enough but there so far... I don't want to die!! there my life, this is to much, its taking to long.

Six years have passed I'm still here, missing my children more than anything. Holding them in my arms, watching them run around smiling giggling laughing make things. Kisses. I write a letter today. To my dearest I'm always here, Cant tell you where I am still but just know wherever I am I don't stop thinking of you. Today I killed a man with my bare hands I feel horrible and cant take this any more. I'm going to go on front line today and shot more men. Maybe be shot, I hope not too just know I love you!

Its really cold today, Snow is starting to settle on the ground, don't worry I'm wrapped up warm. I'm freezing though. I saw my fellow team go down today, I risked everything for them.

I jumped and pushed them it was too late they were shot and gone. I'm asking you to visit there family's tell them I'm sorry, but they were such a strong fighter. 

I will get the bastards that did this. did this to them, to us, to me.

When I do I might not be round any more. I go out with dignity and love from everyone, I've secured a bank account for everything you need. You needn't ever worry.

This was just an experiment, How did it effect you if not at all then that's fine, It was just to show the effect of putting words with music and music with words. Do one without the other? not as effective.

If you got through all that and there's music still left you read two fast. :)

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