Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Grade 5. Just over half way.

If anyone has spoken to me recently or seen my tweets about nerves before The week started it was because of an exam i have ever half a year, only because of things going wrong i hadn't had one for a year.
Singing Exams.
Some might say "yeah i bet that's a piece of piss. All you do is sing songs don't you, that's easy? even i could do that" In fact people have said that to me. No its not just that.
1.  Firstly yeah you do have to sings songs, but the amount of songs changes as you go up grades, you also must be able to sing well :)...With your songs you ave show a variety you cant have just all slow ballad ones, you also need an up tempo one, same as you cant have all up tempo. You need to show variation in your voice. for example one song might show your low range and another your high range. How you change the volume of your voice, they like it when you show variation in your voice one bit might be really loud and the other quite quiet. You also as you get higher grades starting id say grade 3 you have show improvisation within a song... you may have a long intro or a long instrumental, they like it when you hmm or oh something in tune anything that fits with that song.
2.  Secondly You have to do some theory based part, this means you look a lot at repeat markings on sheet music, which get progressively harder as it goes on. You have to know the time signatures. You also have to know the Clefs obviously Clefs being a Treble Clef and a Bass Clef. You have to know all the correct names for everything, like Semi Quavers. Crotchets. Bars. etc. You also have to know about all the minors and majors and what key it would be in if it had a certain amount of flats or sharps :)
3.  Thirdly you have to a lot of aural tests. For example Scales, Arpeggios, Arpeggios with the 5th sustained. Keeping in time with the song, identifying the time signature. La'ing a tune back to him, Singing different intervals. and more.

So for anyone that have said things like "I'm guessing that would be easy" id like to see you try to do all that, plus learn the songs and moves, and be in a room with just an examiner and you where all the day is stare. no smiling, no indication whether you got it right or wrong.
Whilst this is all going on to, try having to learn song learn dances learn monologues learn scenes write essays write log books record log books go to rehearsals and put on show.
You'd crack even i did and I've been doing all this for ages now. Everybody gets used to it in the end.

Any who.

Sunday 27th November 2011 -
I Had my grade singing exam, wow scary stuff. The man was nice really nice actually and my songs went really well but i kind of flopped on theory and did a few wrong from my aural tests.
Here are the songs i sung from my test.
Hope you Enjoy

Murder on the Dancefloor.

Save the best for Last.

Search for the Hero.

Im never sure.

I'm never sure when somebody has feelings for me, I'm bit of an idiot when it comes to that. Although you say you do, do you really?


So yesterday evening/night was the blonde cabaret. yes so that was ... yeah. No in all seriousness i think the group of people i worked with for this my MT2 class, worked our arses off!
There the most dedicated people I've ever encountered...obviously that not being many ha ha before i sound like i sound like some sort of knob. Everyone kicked ass. I enjoyed myself so much.

Okay it started with me Heather and Sophie standing at the front waiting for the audience to come in... yeah you know where you stand somewhere so long in a position you start to rock at little be a bit dizzy and your body stats to hurt, yeah i had that then, my knee started to lock, then my legs went all weird and i couldn't remember how i was standing, i lost feelings in my hands from they way they were positioned and yeah was scared i was going to turn around and fall flat on my arse but its fine it didn't.

We did the songs and kicked arse, i forgot a few bits from dancing then the teachers were like if you make a mistake make a thing of it, so i did and then thought oh shit what if the audience think this is me being an idiot. :| shit.

My voice...ha ha. erm yeah, so i had a sore throat all day and could hardly speak was pretty much a grump all day till i saw Hannah :) but anyway i go to singing some of the song and my voice broke in it so i was like shittt, so stopped singing and just pretended it for a little bit then went back stage and just drank some water in hope it would be fine, it was really hard to pitch it so i don't sound like a knob and fuck up the show.
After the show trying to talk to my friends was funny, as i was all over the place my voice would sometimes go and sometimes not.

everyone...well a few people went to the pub after wards. Its a pub there's not a lot to say about what happened, we sat and drank or ate and talked. oh how exciting :| saying that though it was actually quite funny i did have some major giggles.
Especially about my twin sister called Lizzie...hahaha!!!
This morning I've woken up with the worst voice ever that I'm being told by my sister continuously to shut up :( poor me. so I've resulted to sitting in bed all day, doing ucas. (yes I'm still doing ucas :?)

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Dont forget me, I beg.

So Like I said I'm singing a lot more as you can tell by out of my three recent posts its me singing in both. (remember tiff this is a blog not a vlog or for you to fob of your videos to your readers.) But I recently like the other night did another video of me singing, Its Adele and I love this song so I thought I'd give it a shot, I only done it a few times this song but nothing but either with people or just a tiny bit of it. (leading to my mum writing a status about it...:| cringe) anyhow, here it is hope you like it.
I wish nothing but the best for you too.

Thank you for reading/watching/following me guys :) 

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Neglected. Who isnt a little rough round the edges. Nobodys Perfect.

So I've managed to keep up with myself at the moment. I'm the happiest I've been in months even though someone I was getting with for ages is now gallivanting off with someone else I don't care, It bothered me at first, now I'm happy about it in a way, I know how much they wanted this person. Now without anyone to worry about I can focus on me. That sounds very self centered and I don't mean it too, but all I'm saying is at the moment I'm more on top of work, I'm recording everything to keep documents to get a better grade for college, and I'm in general making documents of everything! its great. I'm writing on here more, I'm singing more than ever, and I see my friends all the time, its amazing that with a little motivation and a shit start how far it can bring you. So if this is me not really focusing on myself then imagine what I can do and how far I can come if I do.These past few weeks I've had stepping stones I thought wouldn't come along till I'm at least in my 30's.
Okay my rooms a mess, I cant keep up with my washing, and I've let myself go a bit(becoming more of a chubby chubster...bring on the pies and chins, yay)
I've never felt closer with my sister. we sat for a full two/three hours on the kitchen floor last night giggling and laughing and chatting, it was so much fun!

I've said for ages how I have wanted to get back to the old Tiff, and I was going to write..I'm back..but I'm not, this is a whole new me, I'm sometimes a little moody and my levels are up and down but at the moment although sometimes i may snap I'm actually the happiest I've ever been.
I have family to thanks for this. Friends to thanks for this. Everything.
Pure Truth.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Just stop for a minute and SMILE!

So I'm getting a bit obsessed with singing videos, however good or bad they may be. I got bored. here we go.
Not about the money, just dance. <3

(theres a few bummy note I know.)
Enjoy or hope you enjoyed.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Show me a garden thats bursting into life.

Those three words.
Are said too much <3

I have a new video on youtube and I'm going to start uploading more, I've really neglected my youtube and a lot of things at the moment I need to get back to everything!! (:

Friday, 18 November 2011

1. Thing

If anyone wants to get me the IPhone 4s ill be forever grateful and happy :)

We wish you a merry christmas.

Today I was asked to write my list. The list I write every year from when I was about four. With the same things on it since I was like 12. I used to write it to Santa. Then to my parents.  Now kind of for me. I write on there everything, that I need to get in order for me to take a new step. Wow tiff its just a list. Yes it is, but for me also its a symbol of I've just finished another year of intense work and fun times with my friends. I cannot wait for 2012 to start and spend time with my family over Christmas and new years.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Traits. The Good, Bad and Ugly.

Active. Adventurous. Affable. Affected. Affectionate. Afraid. Ambitious. Amiable. Angry. Animated. Annoyed. Anxious. Argumentative. Arrogant. Astonished. Attentive. Babyish. Bewildered. Blase'. Boorish. Bored. Bossy. Brave. Brilliant. Busy. Calm. Candid. Capable. Careful. Caustic. Cautious. Charismatic. Charming. Cheerful. Childish. Clever. Clumsy. Coarse. Cold-Hearted. Compassionate. Complacent. Conceited. Concerned. Confident. Confused. Conscientious. Considerate. Cooperative. Courageous. Cowardly. Crafty. Critical. Cross. Cruel. Cultured. Curious. Dangerous. Daring. Dauntless. Decisive. Dependable. Determined. Diligent. Discouraged. Discreet. Dishonest. Dismayed. Disparaging. Disrespectful. Dissatisfied. Distressed. Domineering. Doubtful. Dutiful. Eager. Easygoing. Effervescent. Efficient. Eloquent. Embarrassed. Encouraging. Energetic. Enthusiastic. Exacting. Excited. Expert. Expert. Exuberant. Facetious. Fair. Faithful. Fanciful. Fearless. Fidgety. Fierce. Finicky. Foolish. Formal. Fortunate. Frank. Friendly. Frustrated. Funny. Garrulous. Generous. Gentle. Giddy. Giving. Glamorous. Gloomy. Glum. Grateful. Greedy. Gregarious. Grouchy. Grumpy. Gullible. Happy. Hardy. Harried. Harsh. Hateful. Haughty. Helpful. Honest. Hopeful. Hopeless. Hospitable. Humble. Humorous. Ignorant. Ill-bred. Imaginative. Immaculate. Immature. Impartial. Impatient. Impolite. Impudent. Impulsive. Inactive. Independent. Industrious. Inimitable. Innocent. Insipid. Insistent. Insolent. Intelligent. Intrepid. Jealous. Jovial. Keen. Lackadaisical. Languid. Lazy. Lively. Logical. Lonely. Loquacious. Loving. Loyal. Lucky. Malicious. Mature. Mean. Meticulous. Mischievous. Moody. Mysterious. Naive. Negligent. Nervous. Noisy. Obedient. Obliging. Obnoxious. Obsequious. Observant. Obstinate. Opinionated. Optimistic.Peaceful. Pensive. Persevering. Persistent. Pessimistic. Petulant. Picky. Pleasant. Polite. Pompous. Popular. Positive. Precise. Proud. Punctilious. Puzzled. Quarrelsome. Quick. Quiet. Quixotic. Rambunctious. Rash. Rational. Refined. Reliable. Relieved. Religious. Respectful. Responsible. Responsive. Restless. Retiring. Risk-Taking. Rowdy. Rude. Safe. Sarcastic. Satisfied. Saucy. Scared. Scornful. Secretive. Secure. Sedate. Self-Centered. Selfish. Self-Reliant. Sensitive. Shrewd. Silly. Sincere. Skillful. Slovenly. Sly. Slutty. Smarty. Sneaky. Snobbish. Sociable. Spoilt.Stingy. Stolid. Strange. Strict. Stubborn. Studious. Stupid. Suave. Sullen. Supercilious. Superstitious. Surly. Suspicious. Sweet. Taciturn.Tactful. Talented. Talkative. Tasteful. Tenacious. Tense. Terrified. Thankful. Thoughtful. Thoughtless. Thrifty. Timid. Tolerant. Touchy. Trusting. Trustworthy. Uncontrolled. Uncouth. Unfriendly. Unruly. Unscrupulous. Unselfish. Upset. Useful. Valiant. Versatile. Vivacious. Vulgar. Warm. Warm-Hearted. Weak. Whimsical. Wise. Witty. Worried.

I thank drama for me knowing this many characteristics! and life aha <3

Crimbo Cards...

Do I write my Christmas cards this year, as so many people have been taken off the list this year :) aha.

That joke never gets old!!

Cool story bro.

So yesterday were all sitting at the table for about 30 minutes we then go to the kitchen with which my sister realise my lip, my whole family then continue to tell me i have HIV :| erm i beg your pardon. How! then they explained its my lip is looking like a massive cold sore but i heard it as coleslaw so when they were searching for the cream i said i think I've got some coleslaw cream in my room sending my family in hysterics, then for the rest of the night i got the whole eww tiff you have HIV...Thanks guys, gotta love the family right :| <3

Santa Claus coming to town :O

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. <3

I'm starting to feel more Chirstmassy, as soon as i buy my first present ill feel it more, i wont lie, I'm definitely going to be nagging my mum to get the decorations out soon!! Eeep!!

Winter - My favourite holiday!!* * *
                                          * * *
                                         * * *
              Snowflakes ? aha    * * *
                                           * * *

Saturday, 12 November 2011

In Love with this song and her!

I made you think, you don't understand.

I used to think that happiness could only be something
That happened to somebody else
Everybody believed, everybody but me, yeah yeah
And I've been hurt so many times before,
That my hope was dying, so sick of trying
Everybody could see, everybody but me, yeah yeah
But then you came into my life, you opened up my softer side
And now I can see into your eyes
And suddenly, I realize.

I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand,
Why you couldn't just be my man.
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb,
If you really wanted to be mine.
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through,
Now I see that I'm in love with you

Now, I hope you finally understand.

So many tears I've had to cry,
But you had many more of your own you had to try
But you stuck it out and you're here with me now, yeah yeah
And rememberin' the days I pushed away your love,
You called my bluff and you still stayed around,
Yeah you figured me out
Said, you got me down
And there's no way to lie to you, you know me better than I do

Baby, ooh, you see me through,
I'd be no good without you.

I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand,
Why you just couldn't be my man
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb (yeah)
If you really wanted to be mine (ooh)
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through (through)
Now I see that I'm in love with you

Now, I hope you finally understand


Baby, won't you listen now
Can't you see just what I'm talking about?
Said baby won't you listen now
Can't you see just what I'm talking about?

Time went on, and I was wrong
To keep my distance for so long.
So afraid, you wouldn't stay
But you never turned away

Always right by my side
You're forever in my life
Don't you go
'Cause now I know
That in you I found a home.

Now I can see into your eyes
Suddenly, I realize.

I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand
Why you just couldn't be my man
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb,
If you really wanted to be mine
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through
Now I see I'm in love with you.

Now, I hope you finally understand.

I made you think, you don't understand


Starts with a heavy bass, a fast beat. Ass shaking. Child making. Love taking. Party people in club skipping up slowing down. In your system. Flowing, Running, WAAM! Head nodding. Back to life, back to reality. Cut her up. Out your system. Let me listen. Drinking. Taking. Smoking. Injecting. let me feel this hype. Party people in club. Slowing up skipping down, huh. exactly. Confused you yet. Starts to fade out with a soothing ahhhh, expressive feelings. sweaty. bed shaking, cover taking. Night.

Heavy fast pace. Energetic. Repeative. Again, really? Flashing lights. Smoke around. High. Low. Dry. Soaked. New. Hold on. York. Where'd that come from. Time is waisting. No more. Has it taken. Give me bright...New York...Build up... build up.BUILD UP! Bring it out. Have a toast. Outing of Pass. im in charge. dont even try it. im wild. eat your heart out. Get it up.
Morning, Midday, Afternoon, Evening, Night. REBOOT!

For your interpretation.

All the things i love.

When I'm ill, my mum gets the things that i love, there nothing special.
Yakult...Yes it has annoying advert where the persons "gut" is talking to them, but i love them bring me back to my childhood.
Orange Juice...we get it all the time, but when she got it in for me being ill i was so happy!
Ice Cream...with a sore throat its a must need.
Pot Noodles (and lots of them)...There just so quick and easy and even when I'm ill i can stomach them.
Unlimited amounts of eggs...I eat so much scrambled egg and especially when I'm ill
Chicken & Bacon...a must need for any circumstance! :)

She must know by getting my favourites in it encourages me to eat so I'm not so weak.

As I've set out.

So I set out all of my work today, there's like 8 scripts 7 monologues 14 songs to think that's just come from September through to December my work for this 4 months! :O and the amount of written work I have!!

Theres These Girls.

Girls?! I Love Them but particularly.
Theres three of them...
There all pretty, talented, thoughtful, caring, and always there for me.
They never judge.
Always back me up.
Make me see light.
Bring me back to earth.
They make me giggle.
They make me cry, with laughter.
They sometimes make me cringe with the comments.
Have never doubted me.

But i swear i wouldn't be able to get through life at the moment without them, every hug, every cry on there shoulder, every spec of love i get from them makes me more and more grateful.

Rachel, Laura, Claire!

There are a few more people like this.

But these are the ones that have had to suffer my constant talking and crying for the last year and a half, I cannot be more grateful. You mean then world to me!! <3

Friday, 11 November 2011

Im ill.

So I'm always complaining about how ill i am, then get over it in a few days, so its a cold or a bunged up nose, but I've never once at college taken a day off due to me being ill. Today was the first day. Wow I'm ill, and i haven't been this ill since about 2008, Ive got a throat infection a constant migraine, I'm weak can hardly walk, sleep for most of the night and day, cant breath speak or swallow because of my throat. Have a busted lip, reasons will stay anonymous...anyone that asks i will just tell them i bit it...when really its not that, and rather me just being clumsy. I'm cold and hot then cold then hot then cold then hot, but constantly have a temperature. I cant eat and even drinking water makes me want to vom. Its amazing what stress can do to you, its been a bad last month and all i need is my friends and family as I'm falling into a hole that I'm struggling to get out of. People are constantly telling me there worried. Teachers, Family, Friends. Wheres my character gone. Last year i would never of broke down crying to my teacher or in fact told them everything, But one of them, shes knows all the right things to say and within seconds I'm holding back my tears and biting my tongue trying to not myself go. I'm strong, I'm proud, I wont break. I wont let someone break me (too late.). I cant be this anymore, this person wallowing in self pity. I have so many things to look forward to, why am i being a negative person. My family are healthy happy loving and here for me. My friends are healthy happy loving and are here for me too. I need to let go of my pityness and neglect and bring back Tiff of 2010/2011. I refuse to be this bum. After having about 14 hours of sleep last night, I'm hoping to get back on track!!
Get back on this hype!

I Can do this.
I Will do this.


Hey bby xx
Hey bby xx
Hey bby xx
Hey bby xx
Hey xx
Hey bby xx

^You'd think after this many hey's someone would get the hint but nope. He's a nice guy, but really. Today i spoke back, as leaving it to long, i feel harsh, but don't confess your love for me when we've spoke twice :)

Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk  Awk!!


This post is due to a conversation I had with a friend (Rachel.)

If I won the lottery, would I go public about it or keep it quiet, if i keep quiet, what friends do i tell? What would I buy?

I'm undecided of the whether I would go public or keep it quiet, because if I go public people would change and things would never be the same with people again. Do i keep it quiet and just tell a few selective friends, but then that means i cant be part of the millionaires club. aha.

What i would buy, the list goes on and on.
A house each for my brother and my sister, with everything payed for, for a year.
I would buy myself a car, my sister a car and my mum and dad. For my close friends without cars them too. And insurance for a year.
A house with a pool.
Give to charity.
Christmas presents!
Buy everyone in my family a laptop.
Myself a Mac.
A fancy DSLR for me and my dad.
Take my friends on holiday for 3 weeks, to America or somewhere hot, anywhere away from here.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


My names Tiffany Robinson. Im in my second year of college and beginning to like it again. No matter how long or short my socks are I always fold them over so that they go in to trainer socks. I easily get addicted to different foods. I dont just download artist singles, I do the whole album. I really have a soft spot for Jazz. I dont eat around people because im such a slow eater I dont want everyone to have to wait for me. I dont watch tv programmes that have a weekly runninng because I forget. I drink at least four bottles of water a day. A song on my ipod filled me with the biggest hope in hell!! I Try to blog as much as I can but sometimes I cant find the time. I have to book times with people I rarely see because of how busy I get sometimes, starting in two weeks I have 2 show every month. Im taking my Grade 5 in singing in about two/three weeks. I finished UCAS with the feeling of happiness that im going to fucking do it (mind my french.) I think I suffered a minor bruise from lust recently.

This is my first of monthly blog posts like this.

Greek stufffffff.....

So we've started the Greek plays for our classical PA work, i wont lie college at the moment is pretty fucking epic! it has me in giggles all day! but like today i kicked keep it short i pretty much told my class to get off there arses man up and do some work. :)

But I'm starting a new blog, its only my Greek log book, so if you fancy a laugh get over to
for me staring in to a camera for 4/5 minutes talking about my Greek rehearsals, first post coming on Friday or tonight :)

Trick A Fucking Treat, Whore :)

So for Halloween i went to a party of my friends it was good! very good, i came over my fear of zombies quite a lot and had a few drinks had an excuse to not do my hair too yay haha :)

Bitch please, dont act like i dont scare you.

Bring it.

Zombie and Katie...well bascially eat your fucking brains out.


On going joke ;)p


Some days I'm on top of the fucking today, I started quite mellow then nobody could bring me down what so ever. I can quite happily say the reason for this is my teacher. and my friends & family!! Love these guys.

But yet sometimes i can be on an all time low, like yesterday, one text, one fucking text is able to bring me to throwing my phone and shouting don't be a dickhead...weird yes, why well...ahaha awk!

One day I'm good another I'm shit.