Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Only at Uni.

I've never appreciated my friends this much in my life.

New Friends -New Beginnings
New Beginnings - New Starts
New Starts - New People
New People - New Places
New Places - New Times
New Times - New Faces
New Faces - Old Memories.

Its not until you're abruptly taken from your surroundings, your smells, your family and friend.. the things in life you lived with for how many years. The way every week you'd spend a certain amount of time sitting and laughing not being scared, because your comfortable where you are, you know the people, the places, the prices even the times. 

You get pushed into a world of mayhem. Moving. Packing. Unpacking. Stressing. Organising  Setting Up. Waving Bye. Sleeping. Not sleeping. Nervousness. Drinking. Drinking. More Drinking. Meeting. Laughing. Uni. Work. Lateness. Early Mornings. No Sleep. No Food. No Drink. Stress. Assessments. 

Then, that one smile or voice that makes you look up wipe the tear from your eye and stand.
The one person who pulls the confidence from inside and brings it back out.

I'll always have you.

When you think you're on the verge of a meltdown they step out and bring you up.

NOW I appreciate you!!

I'll never forget that Smelly Eastbourne Lot!! ;)

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