I cant remember when I first heard that, but its a phrase, quote that will forever be planted in my head. Its the truth, if you were any good you would of good an amazing part, but then don't doubt yourself, if you weren't any good at all you wouldn't of been asked to do this.
I know college is not really the same, but It is too. So my casting for my Performing Arts isn't too bad I'm happy with them, I like to play comedy characters and feel I do an okay job on them.
My musical theatre casting upset me a tad, to the extent where I've been talking about it with my parents for a while. So we did Blonde the Cabaret and I got the part of wait for it....Pilar? I would often get asked by people "Who's that?" My reply never differed from "Exactly" but I enjoyed the role and was in the whole show and all in all got a really good grade from it!!
I was told from day 1 of second year MT that if I get a small part in blonde then Millie I wont, which made me happy that maybe people wont ask the same question again. I would also be able to do a lot more. We did our auditions...few days went by the casting list went up.
Teachers had told me I've got a good role :)
They said it was based on auditions then one let it slip that the casting list didn't change from before the auditions so why they put the stress on us I'll never know but anyhow. (im in no way slagging off the teachers or the department, im just having a bit of a nag.)
I got....
The first conversation I had when someone asked me who i was, my first actually conversation about who I was, was...
You got Ethel
Who :/.... she's not even on the cast list? Have they made my character up
No shes third on the list she sings the main song and the teachers says its a really good part.
What my role does.
Sings some solo lines in a group song.
Dance in the middle or front.
Have 10 lines in our script.
10/15 Pages in I die.
The bothered me far to much than it should of, I was really unhappy and thought I might as well just be in the chorus. But, a role is better than no role. Okay I don't do much, I don't understand how I am going to fulfill my grade requirements but I cant do anything for them to change it, plus I am a better person saying yeah I played to small roles in my final projects for college but i smashed it and came out with good grades. Life is unfair, deal with it. Also, if this was in the job world and I got cast that, I'd be over the moon as I would be earning money, sometimes you have to realize that maybe you are just not as good as sometimes you think you are (not that im arrogant, but i just started to think yeah maybe I am okay at singing, I can kind of remember dance moves and my acting isn't too shabby then the phrase comes into my head and turns everything around. I then realize yeah Im at college, im no good at this aha)
But, saying all of this, Im hoping on doing a lot more outside college this year, to fulfill some ambitions myself, and I've been accepted in to doing some of these fields. So by the end of the year, I will be grade 6 on both my singing and my drama and hopefully a grade 1 or 2 on Piano. I will be placed in the festivals and have a few other little surprises up my sleeve :)