Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Ive never been happy with my weight my figure my hair my eyes my nose my mouth my teeth my ears my feet my hands my stomach my legs my arms my boobs my back my bum my thighs my calves my toes my nails my anything you can think of.

Ive always thought it always will, but to frank who doesn't, and you can either moan about it for the rest of your god damn days or do something about it, I've decided i will change the things i can due to determination and will power. I can change my weight my figure my hair my teeth my stomach my legs my arms my boobs my back my bum my thighs my calves my nails. others although i dislike them i wouldn't change them for the world they make me...well me.

We all have insecurities some more than others, and i don't care what you say i simply couldn't believe you if you turned and said you didn't, even if a beauty spot on a part of your body that you don't like.

Fat skinny matter what you are
Be proud and if you don't like it change it!

If you don't love your body don't expect anyone else to either.
Get a new wardrobe, a different style maybe a different colour, change something so you add a bit of spice back to what you look like.
Even new socks makes anyone feel good.

Be whoever you want to be, don't let anybody stop you, you can only make the decision you want to, listen to your head not there's.

To round this up basically I'm getting a personal trainer and i refuse to eat the shit I've been eating, my diet is disgusting, it will explain why I'm always tired or grumpy, i need to eat properly.

So goodbye, grumpy tired overweight unhealthy ill Tiff

And Hello happy energetic on weight healthy Tiffany Robinson

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