Monday, 17 March 2014

No more bad.

I was gonna write this depressing blog about when you lose something. 

But I've told myself to be happy and thats what I'm gonna do, I'm sick of that cloud I had hanging over my head. I don't want to be someone that is known for how negative they can be. 

From today forward no more of it. No more alcohol. No more crappy shitty food. No more bitching behind peoples backs. If I really make an effort with life and getting to know people, I will get the rewards from that. 

Today I started 100 happy days, which is said to boost your mood. Weirdly I am massively excited about the thought of every single day taking a photo of something that makes me happy!! 

It's all about thinking and eating positively, as soon as you do that you begin to become positive. 

I have one person to thank for this, she lectured me about my depressing moods. Frankly its one of the best talks I've had, because it really sunk in. 

Friday, 14 March 2014